
Technology Integration

ICT can be used to provide students with access to a vast amount of information, which they can use to enhance their learning. It is important for students to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to use technology effectively. By integrating ICT into learning, students can develop their digital literacy skills, which will be useful in their future academic and professional pursuits.


"Bring Your Own Device" is an approach that allows students to bring their own personal technology devices, such as laptops, tablets, or smartphones, to school and use them for learning purposes. By using their own devices for learning, students can improve their digital literacy skills and become more comfortable using technology for academic purposes.

Use of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a language model that can provide a variety of information and resources that can be useful for learning. It helps answer the questions about a particular topic, subject or concept. We can also ask questions to clarify concepts, define terminology or explain complex ideas. This can help better understand the material and retain the information.